• Address: Km 44, Idiroko Road, Sango Ota
  • +2348033150904

Belle by Choice Community sensitization at Ojuore, Ado Odo Ota

Still on the Belle by Choice matter, today the Belle by Choice team carried out a community sensitization and awareness campaign to end HIV/AIDS and unintended pregnancy among young women and girls in the Oju Ore community, Sango-Ota Ogun State. thanks to the support from the local AIDS control agency Ado-Odo Ota (LACA)  we were able to carry out HIV/AIDS awareness and screening we also provided voluntary HIV counseling and testing with the use of HIV test kits, the total number of fifty-five people took the test, eleven (11) men and forty-four (44) women and adolescent.

The Belle by Choice team went around the community engaging people and educating them about how HIV/AIDS destroys the immune system, making the body vulnerable to diseases and infection, we went on to advise them on how abstinence and condoms can help prevent HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy. The team also conversed with different women and young girls about unwanted pregnancy and how the use of contraception and condoms can help in preventing unwanted pregnancy

Questions were asked by the women who were listening about how safe contraception is. How often can it be used? And are they various types of contraception? The team put the women’s minds at rest by telling them and assuring them that the use of contraception is safe and there are different types of contraception depending on their choice and the nature of their body and it can be used continually and they were referred to visit any primary health care facility closer to them for uptake. The women were pleased with our answers and the HIV/AIDS screening and urge us to come back another day.

#Agenetwork #bellebychoice #Healthmatters #HIVisreal


This campaign is made possible through the support and donation from Mercury Phoenix Trust, The African Women Development fund under our Belle by Choice, and the AGEcares initiative campaign

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